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About this site

This site is a part of Cimatron groups of sites, wherein all registrations within the space are held by Cimatron. All interested parties can request information about registered domains to find out who is the holder of a registered domain by using a ICANN WHOIS query.

Legal notice

The information on this website is property of Cimatron and is protected by copyright laws. It is provided without any expressed or implied warranty of any kind.
Read the entire Legal notice

Data privacy

Cimatron takes the privacy of the site users and the security of your personal information very seriously and our aim is that you feel confident that your privacy is respected and that your personal information is handled with care.

Cimatron collects personal information such as first name, last name, email address, country of residence and other information that is voluntarily submitted by the users of the site. The personal information provided by you will be processed for the purpose of providing the information and services you request as well as for marketing, sales and product development purposes.
Read the entire Privacy statement
Go to the Data privacy portal


On this website we use cookies to anonymously identify the device you are using in order to improve your experience of the site. A cookie is a small text file that is saved in your web browser. It allows our system to remember your device when you visit our website. No personal identifiable data is stored in cookies, only an anonymous id number.
Read more about how we use cookies


Our aim is that this website should be accessible to everyone. If you have any questions or suggestions regarding the accessibility of this site, please contact us, as we are continually striving to improve the experience for all visitors. The accessibility statement explains the accessibility features on this website to make the most out of your visit.
Read the entire Accessibility statement

Tips for searching

We have collected a number of helpful tips when it comes to searching.
Tips and help for search